Hand Strength and Agility Tips

Not a huge one, as it will happen naturally over time, but tips/drills for building hand strength and agility are helpful. When you first start learning to play guitar your hands will feel very clumsy and get tired/sore quickly. This will be most noticeable in your fret hand as it has to contort into new shapes to play chords, but also you may notice it in your strumming hand (for example after prolonged palm muting). This is something Jamorama talks about and I think it is useful to note.

Obviously you want to learn chords, but knowing chords and no chord progressions is like knowing lots of words in the dictionary but not meaning knowing any of the grammar rules to put them together into a sentence. By learning various chord progressions you will be able to combine the chords you learn into music.

Much of the of the music you find on the Internet is written in 'tab' so learning how to read and write it is a great way to expand your ability to learn new songs. If you are able read and play from chord sheets and tab sheets, you will be able to find and learn nearly and song you like by searching the Internet.


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