peak residence condo

The legal climate. Not only can ownership be less clear-cut in other jurisdictions (even within the EU) but many countries have different inheritance rules. Again, take legal advice before you commit to anything.

The regulatory climate. Ever tried to get a business license in Spain? Or a work permit in Malta? Or even something as simple as planning permission in France? Make sure you will be able to do what you want with your business (and that you know what you are letting yourself in for).

The work climate. Your grand peak residence condo plans for a business may come to nothing if you can't find the employees and contractors you need to make your dream come true.

Language. Hardly a problem if you opt for an English speaking country - but elsewhere? There are some places - Holland and most Spanish coastal resorts, to name two - where you can get away without a word of the local language. Otherwise, you should either speak - or plan to learn to speak - the lingo.


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